Contact Us
Many thanks for taking the time to browse our website we trust and hope that you found it as informative and interesting as it was for us in putting it together.
Our only aim is to try and instil confidence to you the customer and show you the best of our ability, also how much is involved with clock and furniture restoration, any questions you have please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Our opening hrs of business are as follows Monday to Friday 9-00am till 5-00pm and occasionally Saturday morning, please give us a ring first to see if were available on any of the the Tel No's below.
Whilst every care and attention has been given to all the pictures and information in this Website, both general information and for the sale of goods, we cannot be held responsible for any deviation that there may be, between any of the photographs seen here and the real item or items.
All pictures and written information, within these web pages, has been given in good faith to the best of our knowledge and belief and was correct at the time of publication.
The copyright of same, remains the property of Andrew W Firth, proprietor of A W Firth Antique Restorations at all times.
Please use the following email address below for all your enquiries, leaving the following relevant information.
Your Name, Tel No (if possible, home/mobile or both) and all the necessary information relating to your enquiry.
Should you wish to contact us by phone rather than email regarding any item/s on the Website or for any information relating to your own item/s please do so on,