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Barometer Adjustment
Go to this link bbc.metoffice.gov.uk/ place your Post Code in the search box "Weather, Enter a town, city or post code" then take a look at the information under "Observations" (approximately half way down the page), this will give you a reading of "Pressure in Millibars" this figure now needs to be converted into Inches of Mercury so that you can then set your barometer, with the help of the conversion figures below you will need the Millibars conversion which will then give you the reading for your Barometer.
To convert Millibars to Inches of mercury, multiply the millibar value by 0.0295301
To convert Inches of mercury to Millibars, multiply the inches value by 33.8637526
(example, 1017 Millibars converted to Inches of mercury
would be 30.03)
The figure you then have should be the same as the reading on your barometer (only in Inches of Mercury), if it is not then an alteration to your barometer is required, but check the figures again just in case, if the figures are found to be correct or very close then you will not need to make any alterations.
Aneroid Barometer
The figures that are given by the BBC met office weather information above, are generally sea level figures, compensation for height above sea level, strictly speaking is not necessary unless you live on very high terrain.
When the figures are converted, your barometer would read the same as their figures but in "inches of mercury" (hence the need to convert from their millibars, to inches of mercury on your barometer), if there is a large difference, then follow the steps below.
At the rear of your aneroid barometer you should find a small hole with a slotted screw inside, alterations are made with this screw, bearing in mind that only a small amount of adjustment will be required when making the correction.
Moving the screw clockwise or anti clockwise slowly should move the dark blue/black hand in the same direction and is the norm, but not always guaranteed so watch out for this, if there is no movement to the hand in either direction but the screw is moving, the mechanism could be broken or faulty in a number of ways, we therefore suggest you consult your local Clock/Furniture restorer to find out the cause of the problem, (please bear in mind the above check only needs to be carried out every 4/5 years).
Wheel Barometer
In a wheel barometer the increase or decrease of air pressure causes the mercury within the glass column at the rear of the barometer, to rise and fall by a small amount which in turn moves a small glass weight floating on the mercury, which then turns a pulley that is connected to the blue/black pointer on the front of the barometer, this will then indicate a rise or fall in pressure on the dial, all within the case (which is accessible from rear).
Sometimes the mechanism may stick slightly, this is why a barometer should be given a gentle tap (no more than once every 24 Hrs) before taking a reading.
To check that your wheel barometer is reading correctly, take a reading from the BBC Weather information as per the information above, to see what if any difference there is to your barometer reading, once the conversion has been made, (a small amount may not be worth bothering with), but if there is a great difference and you wish to get it corrected, please do not attempt to make this alteration yourself as there is mercury in an open tube at the rear of the case which is perfectly safe in its own environment, but should be treated with respect, therefore any alterations should be carried out by a professional.
Please note, wheel and stick barometers should NEVER be laid down flat for any reason, please ask for any advice on transporting these types of barometers.
For any further information please contact ourselves or go to your local Clock/Furniture Restorer and he will advise as to the best course of action.
Stick Barometer
If you have a stick barometer, no attempt must be made to make any alterations whatsoever, the spike/adjuster or wheel sometimes at the very bottom of the barometer IS NOT an adjusting screw, it is only ever used to help lock off the mercury when transporting this type of barometer any distance.
Reading a stick barometer is not always that easy and to the novice they may look as though they are at first not working, as they only move a very small amount, we suggest you try to find further information on other websites as to the various ways with which to take readings, as calculations sometimes are also required in order to read most of them accurately and correctly, for those of you who have not done this before it can be very interesting and quite intriguing.
A couple of websites, where detailed information can be found are as follows,
Jean hood Information and History of the Mercury Barometer
Mercury & it's Safe Use in Barometers
We have been asked on various occasions for our opinion on the rules/regulations and possible dangers of mercury and it's use when purchasing wheel and or stick barometers, in view of the rules and regulations brought in by the EU and other governing bodies in 2007.
If we did, we could be here for some time, so we will keep it short but at the same time hopefully point you in the right direction.
These types of barometers have been around since the 1640/50's and we do not know of, or have we ever heard of anyone who has had a life threatening situation with one of these items unless the life threatening situation was that of being chased by their better half with one aloft in their hand.
Various industries in times past involving mercury, are and have been a very different set of circumstances than that of having a Barometer within one's home.
May we suggest, should you still have some doubts and are in the need of reassurance, please go to, Charles Edwin Incorporated where a great deal of information can be found, we find that it has been well written by Charles Edwin in layman's term, who has had similar problems and is well versed on the subject, yes this article is about and in the USA and appertaining to their rules not the EU/UK, but 99.9% of this information is just as appropriate, and just plain common sense and therefore applies to anywhere in the world.
We hope we have laid to rest any fears you may have had, regarding mercury and its uses to any of these items.
All enquiries you may have regarding your own items, please use the contact page , even send a picture if you like so that we can have a better idea of what you may have and let's see if we can help.