Before and after Pictures
We don't think that this page needs much if any explanation or guidance, as pictures generally speak for themselves, all we hope is that you have as much enjoyment viewing them, as we did in bringing these items back to life again.
- John Stanyer Long Case, Top of Hood Before Restoration
- John Stanyer Long Case, Top of Hood After Restoration
- John Stanyer Long Case, Neck & Hood Before Restoration
- John Stanyer Long Case, Neck & Hood After Restoration
- Edward Courter Ruthin Wales Before Restoration 23-Aug-2012
- Edward Courter Ruthin Wales After Restoration 23-Aug-2012
- John Stanyer Long Case, Front & Right Side Before Restoration
- John Stanyer Long Case, Front & Right Side After Restoration
- John Mitchell Penny Moon Bracket Clock Before
- John Mitchell Penny Moon Bracket Clock After Restoration.
- John Stanyer Long Case, Trunk Before Restoration
- John Stanyer Long Case, Trunk After Restoration
- Oak Table at Wigan Library Before Restoration.
- Oak Table at Wigan Library After Restoration.
Click on one of the pictures to view a larger version
All enquiries you may have regarding your own items, please use the contact page , even send a picture if you like so that we can have a better idea of what you may have and let's see if we can help.